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2016 HHB AAU Alum now a 2024 US Senior Airman training others.

Updated: Jun 28

Deontreion Simmions will be starting his training at the end of this April, Tre is a senior AIRMEN, which is an E4 in the air force. (My rank hasn't changed yet.)

An E4 is basically a manager. They can act as a sergeant if needed in the air force, but they mostly just focus on training the newcomers of a job and getting themselves ready for the next rank. Usually they are fully qualified at the job at that point. Tre shares the knowledge he has gained, to the newest people. Teaching them the tricks and knowledge he wishes he had when he first enlisted.

In 2016, Tre was the team leader on HHB's 10th grade aau team. During that year Tre showed his leadership skills, even then by at times contacting teammates for games and it practices schedules. Tre had a way of always stepping up and speaking to teammates in testy moments. Simmons dedicated himself many days after school and during summer breaks. By meeting Sensi Mario at the boys and girls center outside courts. Just to workout for hours at a time. Deontreion Simmons is a Leader of men, he has an ability of staying calm under pressure.

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